
Two-Day Workshops

Two-Day Workshops

Price: EUR 150 per workshop

Thursday 15 & Friday 16 September

10:00-16:30 (includes a 1 hour break)


Javier Pastor

Physics, Magic, and Points of View

In this workshop we'll work with different structures inspired by laws of physics (such as: causality, simultaneity, the butterfly effect, parallel universes) and points of view (such as: subjectivity, repetitions, angles). We will also create scene codes that will allow us to improvise superpowers (such as: mind control, mind reading, teleportation, invisibility) With the help of these magical and scientific devices, we will then perform in a show that will amaze our audiences and make us look like we have improv superpowers.

This workshop is ideal for intermediate and advanced participants, and will offer a student showcase at the end.

 Maximum number of participants: 16


Saturday 17 & Sunday 18 September

10:00-16:30 (includes a 1 hour break)


Patti Stiles

The Impro Playground

Each time we walk on stage the audience wonders what will happen. They instinctively search for clues in what we are doing to answer that curiosity. Many improvisors have lost this innocence, wonder, instinct and curiosity. They no longer improvise to explore what might happen. They play within strategic patterns to control what will happen. 

This workshop is about exploration, connection, the obvious, the unknown and what we can unleash when we step into improvisation without expectation but with vulnerability and openness.

This workshop is for experienced improvisors who love discovery and who can leave their bag of impro tricks in their room.

This workshop is ideal for advanced participants, and will not offer a student showcase at the end.

 Maximum number of participants: 12


Pierpaolo Buzza


Just like reality can make us laugh and cry at the same time, so can our improv shows. The way to do this is to play neither for the tears nor for the laughs, but for the truth instead. In this workshop, we will play with grounded scenes and multi-layered characters, working on discovery as opposed to invention, and we will see how all the emotions we need are already all there: we just need to explore them.

This workshop is ideal for participants with at least one year of improvisation experience, and will offer a student showcase at the end.

 Maximum number of participants: 12